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Nguyen van Trung

Nguyen van Trung (Born 1940) is active/lives in Viet Nam.  Nguyen Trung is known for Painting.

Nguyen Trung is an influential Vietnamese artist whose career has spanned more than six decades. Having developed a unique and innovative style that blends European Rationalism and Oriental philosophy, he is widely regarded as a pioneer of abstract art in Vietnam.Born in 1940 in Soc Trang, a province in the Mekong Delta region of Vietnam, Nguyen Trung showed an early interest and talent in art. In 1956, he enrolled in the Gia Dinh Fine Arts School in Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), where he studied under the famous painter Nguyen Gia Tri (1908-1993). He graduated in 1961 and became a teacher at the same school. In 1966, he co-founded the Young Artists Association, a vanguard art group in Saigon.Early in his career, Nguyen Trung primarily worked with oil on canvas, employing a vibrant and refreshing colour palette reminiscent of romantic realism. He devoted himself to figurative painting, and predominantly depicted charming, graceful, and lyrical female figure   ...  [Displaying 1000 of 5148 characters.]  Artist bio

Artist auction records

.  askART's database currently holds 95 auction lots for Nguyen van Trung (of which 79 auction records sold and 0 are upcoming at auction.)

Artist artworks for sale and wanted

.  There are 0 artworks for sale on our website by galleries and art dealers . There are 1 galleries and art dealers listing works of art by Nguyen van Trung as either "Wanted" or "For Sale" .

Research resources

.  askART lists Nguyen van Trung in 0 of its research Essays. Nguyen van Trung has 3 artist signature examples available in our database.

Similar artists

.  There are 24 similar (related) artists for Nguyen van Trung available:    Xuan Phai Bui,  Mai Trung Thu,  M Irfan,  Pham Hau,  Tich Chu Hoang,  Henri Mege,  Nguyen Tu Nghiem,  Tien Chung Nguyen,  Le Thi Luu,  Kuosung Liu,  To Gnoc Van,  Victor François Tardieu,  Nguyen Gia Tri,  Ek Kay Chua,  Luong Xuan Nhi,  Viet Dung Hong,  Rudi Mantofani,  Haji Widayat,  Hendra Gunawan,  Vu Cao Dam,  Pacita Abad,  Joseph Inguimberty,  Che Chuang,  Phan Chanh Nguyen

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Auction Sales Stats for Nguyen van Trung

Auction Records 95
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